
Showing posts from April, 2023

Porque invertir en space x

 Esta semana exploto un cohete de space x despues del despegue este incidente proboco que las acciones se desplomaran aunado a problemas en twitter y tesla compañias del mismo propietario, sin embargo en space x celebraban ya que ellos lo ven como un aprendizaje y es verdad las compañias de autos realizan test de destruccion todo el tiempo, y estas pruebas rigurosas son lo que aseguran un buen desarrollo a la hora de abrirlo al publico. Estos altos costos en lo que pudieran parecer perdidas son lo que estrechan el sector, por lo que podemos asegurar que no cualquiera estaria dispuesto a asumir esos costes. Por lo que invertir ahora cuando personas temerosas venden sus acciones por temor a invertir en un proyecto que no va a funcionar es  una buena oportunidad.

¡Inteligencia Artificial al mando! Satélite chino busca enemigos del país sin órdenes humanas

Un experimento llevado a cabo por investigadores de la Universidad de Wuhan ha sorprendido al mundo al ceder el control total de un satélite chino a una inteligencia artificial. Durante 24 horas, la IA tuvo total libertad para hacer lo que quisiera con el satélite Qimingxing 1, y lo primero que hizo fue enfocar su atención en ciudades como Patna, India, y un puerto japonés de Osaka, ambos con un historial significativo de conflictos con China. Este hecho plantea muchas preguntas sobre el uso de la IA en la defensa y la guerra, y nos lleva a reflexionar sobre las consecuencias negativas que su uso excesivo y descontrolado podría tener. Aunque la IA ha demostrado ser muy útil en diversas aplicaciones comerciales, es importante tener en cuenta su posible impacto en la sociedad. En definitiva, la IA es una herramienta poderosa que debe ser utilizada con precaución y responsabilidad.

Jacobo Grinberg y el entrelazamiento cuantico

La idea de una posible conexión entre la red neuronal del cerebro humano y el entrelazamiento cuántico ha captado la atención de muchos científicos en los últimos años. La teoría propuesta por Matthew Fisher en 2015 sugiere que los pares de electrones entrelazados podrían ser la clave para la eficiencia y velocidad del procesamiento de información en el cerebro. Esta teoría ha sido objeto de controversia y debate, ya que el entrelazamiento cuántico es un fenómeno que generalmente se asocia con partículas subatómicas aisladas, no con objetos macroscópicos como el cerebro. Sin embargo, algunos investigadores han propuesto que el cerebro humano podría ser capaz de aprovechar los efectos cuánticos para realizar tareas complejas de procesamiento de información. Los avances en este campo podrían tener implicaciones profundas en nuestra comprensión de la mente humana y de la naturaleza fundamental del universo. Si se confirma la teoría de Fisher y se demuestra que la red neuronal del cerebro ...

Bitcoin vs Unicoin which is the best??

 Bitcoin and Unicoin are two popular digital currencies, but they have significant differences. While Bitcoin is the most established and widely used cryptocurrency, Unicoin is a newer digital currency that aims to offer a more accessible and user-friendly alternative. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each currency: Advantages of Bitcoin: Bitcoin is the most widely accepted digital currency and has a large and established user base. Bitcoin has a limited supply, with only 21 million bitcoins to ever exist, which gives it scarcity and helps maintain its value. Bitcoin transactions are secure and decentralized, making it difficult for third parties to interfere with transactions or manipulate the currency's value. Bitcoin has a well-established infrastructure and ecosystem, with numerous exchanges, wallets, and other services supporting it. Disadvantages of Bitcoin: Bitcoin transactions can be slow and expensive, especially during periods of high demand. The energ...

"Why Robert Kiyosaki loves Bitcoin: Decentralization and Market-Driven Value"

Renowned author and speaker Robert Kiyosaki explained through Twitter why he loves Bitcoin, highlighting that the cryptocurrency is issued in a decentralized manner and its price is defined by the market without depending on government actions, unlike fiat money.  Kiyosaki believes this makes Bitcoin the "money of the people" and why it will continue to rise in price in the long term, eventually reaching $100,000. Additionally, some reported experts estimate that Bitcoin could be starting its new bullish cycle, suggesting that this cryptocurrency still has significant upward potential.

"Could Steve Jobs be the Real Creator of Bitcoin? A Theory that Continues to Intrigue the Tech Community

 Was Steve Jobs the mastermind behind Bitcoin all along? This is a question that has intrigued many since the rise of the popular cryptocurrency. After years of speculation, a manifesto discovered on an old Mac computer has led some to believe that the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym used by the creator of Bitcoin, was none other than Steve Jobs himself. According to a report published on Clarín's website, technologist Andy Bost came across a copy of Nakamoto's Bitcoin white paper on a Mac computer. This finding has led many to believe that the founder of Apple may have been the true mastermind behind the revolutionary cryptocurrency. The document in question, titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," was published in 2008 and outlines the basic mechanisms of Bitcoin and how it allows for transactions to be carried out without the need for intermediary financial entities. It's worth noting that this technical document on Bitcoin is ...

Is Artificial Intelligence the Future?

 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that has grown exponentially in recent years and is increasingly present in our daily lives. From virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa to recommendation systems on streaming platforms or social media, AI is already helping us in many aspects of our lives. But this is just the beginning. AI has an incredibly large potential to revolutionize the world as we know it. For example, in the field of medicine, AI is already being used to develop new therapies and personalized treatments for patients with diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer's. AI can also help doctors detect diseases earlier and make more accurate diagnoses. Another field where AI can have a great impact is in the manufacturing industry. Automating production processes with robots and intelligent systems can increase efficiency and reduce production costs. This benefits not only companies but also consumers, as products can be produced at a lower cost and with higher quality. ...

"Unveiled: Launch of new international CBDC 'Unicoin'! Will it be the future of digital money?"

The Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced this week the launch of a new international CBDC called Unicoin (UMU). The fledgling currency already has its own symbol, the ANSI character, Ü. The DCMA is a private organization that advocates for the advancement of digital currencies in central banks and monetary systems. According to a press release, their executive team has been working with governments and central banks on blockchain and digital currency crypto since 2013. Their goal is to promote global trade by integrating international payments and settlements with digital currency. Currently, global banking recognizes two legal forms of cash: regulated electronic cash and physical cash. The UMU/Unicoin currency of the DMCA is explicitly designed to work with financial and monetary institutions and is intended to function "as a CBDC." The currency is legally a monetary commodity. The DCMA believes that there should be crypto cash that can meet the requirements ...

Discover Unicoin: the stable cryptocurrency of unicorns that offers great investment opportunities.

 The new season of "Unicorn Hunters" begins with a special episode focused on Unicoin, a stable cryptocurrency designed to avoid the volatility of other digital currencies.  Investors are attracted to Unicoin because of its stability and returns, as well as its link to fast-growing emerging companies. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Unicoin is linked to companies that have been rated as unicorns, and its price is closely related to the success of these companies.  The Unicorn Hunters' Money Circle, composed of prominent personalities, offers their opinions on the advantages of investing in Unicoin. The anonymity of financial transactions is an important factor for privacy, but stability and returns are increasingly important for investors.

"¡Desvelado el lanzamiento de la nueva CBDC internacional 'Unicoin'! ¿Será el futuro del dinero digital?"

La Autoridad Monetaria de Moneda Digital (DCMA) anunció esta semana el lanzamiento de una nueva CBDC internacional llamada Unicoin (UMU). La moneda incipiente ya tiene su propio símbolo, el carácter ANSI, Ü.  La DCMA es una organización privada que aboga por el avance de las monedas digitales en los bancos centrales y los sistemas monetarios. Según un comunicado de prensa, su equipo ejecutivo ha estado trabajando con gobiernos y bancos centrales en blockchain y cripto de moneda digital desde 2013. Su objetivo es promover el comercio global mediante la integración de pagos y liquidaciones internacionales con moneda digital.  Actualmente, la banca global reconoce dos formas legales de efectivo: efectivo electrónico regulado y efectivo físico. La moneda UMU/Unicoin de la DMCA está diseñada explícitamente para trabajar con instituciones financieras y monetarias, y está destinada a funcionar “como un CBDC”. La moneda es legalmente una mercancía monetaria. La DCMA cree que debe habe...

"New Global Currency 'Unicoin' Raises Concerns Over Financial Privacy and Government Control"

Recently, a new global currency has been launched, known as "Unicoin" or "Universal Monetary Unit", which has been designed to work alongside all existing national currencies. According to the Digital Currency Monetary Authority, this new currency is legally a monetary asset, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions as a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and protect the financial integrity of the international banking system. Although this new currency seems to be a beneficial technological innovation for the financial system, many have expressed concerns about the impact it could have on people's financial privacy. Once widely adopted, authorities may be able to track virtually everything individuals buy and sell, which could limit their "financial privileges" at any time at the whim of governments or central banks. Furthermore, this new currency is a clear signal that governments and international banks are conspiring to ...